Greatest Movies of all time:

50. The general (Buster Keaton) 
49. Metropolis
48. The passion of Joan of Arc
47. Un chien  andalou
46.  Man with a movie camera
45. City lights (Charlie Chaplin)
43. Meshes of the afternoon
42. Roshomon
41. Ugetsu
40. Seven samurai
39. Pather Panchali
38. Pyaasa
37. Vertigo
36. The 400 blows
35. Navrang
34. La dolce vita
33. Psycho
32. Breathless
31. Peeping tom
30. L'Avventura
29. Last year at marienbad
28. La jetée
27. Andrei rublev
26. Playtime
25. Cries and whisper
24. The holy mountain
23. The godfather pt 2
22. Taxi driver
21. Stalker ( tarkovsky)
20. Apocalypse now
19. Come and see (Elem klimov)
18. close up (kiarostami)
17. Goodfellas
16. Satantango (bela tarr)
15. Pulp fiction
14. Mulholland Dr.
13. There will be blood
12. Synecdoche, New York
11. The master (PT Anderson)
10. The Seventh Seal
9. Bicycle thieves
8. Tokyo story 
7. 8½ ( Federico Fellini)
6. The mirror (tarkovsky)
5. Raging bull
4. 2001 space Odyssey
3. Persona (Bergman)
2. Citizen Kane
1. The Godfather

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